Hello October!

Hello October! Here are just some of our updates. 

Wow! This year has just flown by, hasn't it? 

It's amazing how we are still here and still feeling your support.  

This month we will be seeing a lot more posts and updates as we get in to the fall season.  

Oh the fall season in Florida! We don't see any changes in colors, but we do appreciate the cooler temperatures.  Anything with lower humidity or lower than 90s temperatures are very much welcome.  

We have added more shirts that are printed on demand.  We did that to make sure we don't create too much and have excess of items. 

We will also placing in more of our creative handmade items.  Our handmade items are made in-house and made with high quality materials.  Just like our handmade products before, you can truly see the quality of work that we do.  

Regarding sales, we truly don't do much sales because we try to mark up the price fairly. With such profit margins, you won't be seeing a lot of sales.  For the ones that are on sale, those are really almost giveaways that we would like for you to take advantage of.  So when you see any sale items, make sure to get it because those have great prices!  

Starting this month, we want to utilize our blog / journal section more often as we did before.  Be sure to check out for updates here when you can.  Or just keep following our other social media to see any updates as well.  

Again, we want to thank our cheerful patrons who have been with us from the start.  If you are just now finding us now, then we hope to see more and more of you here on our website. Whether you are purchasing an item or not, checking out our blog might be an interesting read for you in the future. 

Thanks and come again!